Implement the Slash

2 min readDec 10, 2020
Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

I grew to hate asking others “what do you do?” because it seemed so limiting. I almost wished they wouldn’t ask me that because it’s a boxy question.

Meaning, a question that places you in a box in their mind.

As complex beings, we’re obviously so much more than our career yet it seems that most people just want to figure out what you do to pay the bills. Perhaps that’s a boxy assumption of me, and I hope to be proven wrong.

Although I can’t eliminate the awkward hesitation that accompanies the boxy question, I can change my approach to it.

Instead of mentioning something autonomous that doesn’t bring me total and utter joy, I can choose to implement the slash.

You see, I got this idea from Brené Brown where she credits Marci Alboher’s, One Person/Multiple Careers: A New Model for Work/Life Success.

Marci basically interviewed hundreds of people pursuing multiple careers simultaneously and discovered how slash careers are more encompassing and expressive of a person’s true interests as opposed to a single career.

If you’re wondering what a slash career is, think… accountant/jeweler; real estate agent/dog groomer; barista/stand up comedian; data sales executive/screenplay writer. You get the gist now, don’t you?

Slashes are more encompassing than a single label ever could be.

It’s also a little rebellious if you’re like me and you want to show your great aunt who you haven’t seen in a while that there’s more to define your success than just one job.

It can be tough to own the work that brings you meaning because yes, it doesn’t always pay the bills. That shouldn’t stop you from pursuing it though. Even if it’s on the side… do it because it lights you up.

You do yourself and the world a disservice when you fail to claim your hobbies and passions.

So the next time you’re faced with “and what do you do?” consider implementing the slash and sharing some of the work that brings you alive.

Because that’s a part of you and deserved to be shared.




just an eclectic soul with a penchant for words & wandering.